The School of Law at the University of Jordan aims to achieve the following: - Increase scientific, cognitive, and qualitative research within various legal fields of knowledge.
- Create a competitive environment among the school's students and enhance it in different legal areas through motivation and encouragement.
- Prepare students who are capable of applying legal knowledge to serve the job market.
- Train students to think critically and express themselves creatively in the field of law using interactive teaching techniques.
- Achieve leadership and distinction among law faculties in Jordanian universities.
- Reach a prominent position among the top law schools globally.
- Deepen the principles and spiritual and ethical values in accordance with the constitutional religion of the state.
- Promote the ideas of tolerance and acceptance of different views in line with royal visions, the spirit of the constitution, and international charters.
- Provide a safe environment for the school members to ensure their continued excellence in teaching and performance, through appropriate regulations, and the attraction of legal expertise.
- Provide a safe environment for the administrative staff as they support the school in their educational roles.
- Adopt electronic and blended learning by focusing on practical aspects to enhance legal knowledge.
- Transfer legal knowledge through primary education, continuous learning, and target groups based on international standards, preparing for the effective practice of legal professions relying on best local, regional, and international practices.