Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law318/26/2018 2:07 PMArlette Nejmeh01.Program Overview01.Program Overview12
Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law

Program Title:
Program Code:
Level of Study:
Final Qualification:
Other Department(s) involved in teaching the program:
Mode of Attendance) e.g., full time):
Duration of the Program:
Credit hours/ contact hours:
Language of Instruction:
Entrance Requirements:
Program regulations:
No. of approval by the Ministry of Higher Education:
Date of approval by the Ministry of Higher Education:
Date of Production:
Date of Revision:
Program Director:
3111/14/2018 10:33 AMArlette Nejmeh02.Program Details02.Program Details13
Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law

318/26/2018 1:27 PMArlette Nejmeh03.Employability03.Employability14
Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law319/4/2018 11:16 AMArlette Nejmeh04.Program Intended Learning Outcomes04.Program Intended Learning Outcomes15
Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law318/26/2018 2:23 PMArlette Nejmeh05.Teaching, learning & assessment methods05.Teaching, learning & assessment methods16Teaching and Learning MethodsTeaching and Learning Methods1
Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law318/26/2018 2:24 PMArlette Nejmeh05.Teaching, learning & assessment methods05.Teaching, learning & assessment methods16Assessment MethodsAssessment Methods2
Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law
No. of national accreditation of the program:
Date of national accreditation of the program:
Reference points:
Four prestigious universities have the same programme:
Ø Quality Indicators of the Program
International accreditation of the program:
Graduation Rate:
Freshman Retention Rate:
Employment Rate:
Postgraduate Study Rate:
A-class Students’ Rate:
International Students’ Rate:
Student Satisfaction Rate:
Alumni Satisfaction Rate:
Employer Satisfaction Rate:
Qs International Ranking of UJ in this Subject:
3111/14/2018 10:37 AMArlette Nejmeh06.Quality Assurance of the Program06.Quality Assurance of the Program17
Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law



318/28/2018 10:46 AMArlette Nejmeh08.Practical Training & Field Experience08.Practical Training & Field Experience19
Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law



نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪project and research law photo‬‏

319/9/2018 3:36 PMArlette Nejmeh09.Project and Research09.Project and Research20
Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law

Course Code

        P  P(1001111)
    P P  P  (1002151)
P  P P  PP  (1000111)
  P        P(1032171)
P          P(1032141)
 P P  P P   (1000410)
  P     PP P(1032281)
        P P (1001113)
        P P (1001114)
        P PP(1001121)
         P P(1031222)
     P   PPP(1031314)
     P   P P(1001392)
     P   P P(1001393)
    P P  P P(1002252)
  P    PP  P(1032254)
  P    PP  P(1032255)
 PP     PPPP(1001325)
P       P  P(1002343)
         P P(1002363)
 PPP    PPPP(1002496)
 P PPP     P(1002494)
PP P P     P(1031231)
     P    P (1001316)
     P PP   (1031415)
        P   (1031424)
     P  P P (1031428)
P P      P P(1001492)
     P  P P (1041318)
  P        P(1002497)
P  P       P(1002163)
          P (1001360)
   P       P(1001311)
  P       P (1001394)
PP         P(1001313)
  P         (1001416)
P  P    P  P(1002256)
P        P  (1002259)
PP         P(1002257)
 P          (1032266)
 P          (1002345)
P     P  P  (1002353)
P P       P (1002362)
  P      P  (1002365)
   P   P    (1002473)
 PP       PP(1031427)
PPP      P  (1001326)
   P       P(1001425)
  P        P(1001327)
P P         (1031429)
  PP     P P(1032444)
P  P     P P(1002445)
 P       P  (1002444)
  P      P  (1002495)
      P     (1002153)
 P P      P (1002367)
P P     P   (1002466)
318/15/2023 8:43 AMArlette Nejmeh10.Program Learning Outcome Mapping Matrix10.Program Learning Outcome Mapping Matrix21
Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law319/4/2024 1:08 PMArlette Nejmeh11.Educational facilities and support11.Educational facilities and support22Facilities and laboratoriesFacilities and laboratories3
Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law312/9/2021 2:03 PMArlette Nejmeh11.Educational facilities and support11.Educational facilities and support22Supporting staffSupporting staff4
Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law316/22/2020 2:37 PMArlette Nejmeh11.Educational facilities and support11.Educational facilities and support22Tools and EquipmentTools and Equipment5
Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law



صورة ذات صلة

318/28/2018 2:13 PMArlette Nejmeh11.Educational facilities and support11.Educational facilities and support22Other Entities that offer facilities to receive practical and field experiencesOther Entities that offer facilities to receive practical and field experiences6
Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law

School's Academic Staff

Click Here

318/5/2024 12:22 PMArlette Nejmeh11.Educational facilities and support11.Educational facilities and support22Academic StaffAcademic Staff7
Bachelor's Degree in LawBachelor's Degree in Law319/4/2024 9:57 AMArlette Nejmeh07.Study Plan07.Study Plan18
Governance and Anti-CorruptionGovernance and Anti-Corruption
417/31/2023 11:27 AMArlette Nejmeh01.Program Overview01.Program Overview12
Governance and Anti-CorruptionGovernance and Anti-Corruption

Program Title:
Program Code:
Level of Study:
Final Qualification:
Other Department(s) involved in teaching the program:
Mode of Attendance )   e.g., full time):
Duration of the Program:
Credit hours/ contact hours:
Language of Instruction:
Entrance Requirements:
Program regulations:
No. of approval by the Ministry of Higher Education:
Date of approval by the Ministry of Higher Education:
Date of Production:
Date of Revision:
Program Director:

417/31/2023 12:29 PMArlette Nejmeh02.Program Details02.Program Details13
Governance and Anti-CorruptionGovernance and Anti-Corruption
417/31/2023 11:27 AMArlette Nejmeh03.Employability03.Employability14
Governance and Anti-CorruptionGovernance and Anti-Corruption
417/31/2023 11:28 AMArlette Nejmeh04.Program Intended Learning Outcomes04.Program Intended Learning Outcomes15
Governance and Anti-CorruptionGovernance and Anti-Corruption
417/31/2023 11:28 AMArlette Nejmeh05.Teaching, learning & assessment methods05.Teaching, learning & assessment methods16Teaching and Learning MethodsTeaching and Learning Methods1
Governance and Anti-CorruptionGovernance and Anti-Corruption
417/31/2023 11:28 AMArlette Nejmeh05.Teaching, learning & assessment methods05.Teaching, learning & assessment methods16Assessment MethodsAssessment Methods2
Governance and Anti-CorruptionGovernance and Anti-Corruption

No. of national accreditation of the program:
Date of national accreditation of the program:
Reference points:
Four prestigious universities have the same programme:
Ø  Quality Indicators of the Program
International accreditation of the program:
Graduation Rate:
Freshman Retention Rate:
Employment Rate:
Postgraduate Study Rate:
A-class Students’ Rate:
International Students’ Rate:
Student Satisfaction Rate:
Alumni Satisfaction Rate:
Employer Satisfaction Rate:
Qs International Ranking of UJ in this Subject:

417/31/2023 12:30 PMArlette Nejmeh06.Quality Assurance of the Program06.Quality Assurance of the Program17
Governance and Anti-CorruptionGovernance and Anti-Corruption
417/31/2023 11:28 AMArlette Nejmeh06.Quality Assurance of the Program06.Quality Assurance of the Program17
Governance and Anti-CorruptionGovernance and Anti-Corruption


Study Plan: Studying (33) Credit Hours as follows:

1. Obligatory Courses (15) Credit Hours:

Course No. Course Title Credit   Hrs Theory Practical. Pre/Co-requisite
1002701 General Theories of Anticorruption 3 3    
1002702 Compliance & Governance Standards 3 3    
1002703 Research Methodology 3 3    
1002704 Anticorruption Legislation Framework 3 3    
1002706 Corruption Crimes in the Public &Private Sectors 3 3    

2. Elective Courses: Studying (9) Credit hours from the following:

Course No. Course Title Credit   Hrs Theory Practical. Pre/Co-requisite
1002705 Digitalization & Anticorruption 3 3    
1002707 International Anticorruption Experiences 3 3    
1002708 Corruption Manifestations and Effects 3 3    
1002709 Investigation of Anticorruption 3 3    
1002710 Political & Economic Corruption 3 3    
1002734 Corruption & Human Rights 3 3    
1002735 Administrative and Financial Corruption 3 3    
1002736 Corruption & Organized Crime 3 3    
1002737 Islam & Anticorruption 3 3    
1002738 Assessment & Measurement of Corruption Threats   3 3    


3. Thesis: (9) Credit hours (1002799 ).


Study Plan: Studying (33) Credit Hours as follows:


1. Obligatory Courses (24) Credit Hours:

Course No. Course Title Credit   Hrs Theory Practical Pre/Co-requisite
1002701 General Theories of Anticorruption 3 3    
1002702 Compliance & Governance Standards 3 3    
1002703 Research Methodology 3 3    
1002704 Anticorruption Legislation Framework 3 3    
1002705 Digitalization & Anticorruption 3 3    
1002706 Corruption Crimes in the Public &Private Sectors 3 3    
1002707 International Anticorruption Experiences 3 3    
1002708 Corruption Manifestations and Effects 3 3    

2. Elective Courses: Studying (9) Credit hours from the following:

​Course No. Course Title Credit   Hrs Theory Practical Pre/Co-requisite
1002709 Investigation of Anticorruption 3 3    
1002710 Political & Economic Corruption 3 3    
1002734 Corruption & Human Rights 3 3    
1002735 Administrative and Financial Corruption 3 3    
1002736 Corruption & Organized Crime 3 3    
1002737 Islam & Anticorruption 3 3    
1002738 Assessment & Measurement of Corruption Threats   3 3    


3. Comprehensive Exam(1002798).

417/31/2023 12:26 PMArlette Nejmeh07.Study Plan07.Study Plan18
Governance and Anti-CorruptionGovernance and Anti-Corruption
417/31/2023 11:29 AMArlette Nejmeh08.Practical Training & Field Experience08.Practical Training & Field Experience19
Governance and Anti-CorruptionGovernance and Anti-Corruption
417/31/2023 11:29 AMArlette Nejmeh09.Project and Research09.Project and Research20
Governance and Anti-CorruptionGovernance and Anti-Corruption
417/31/2023 11:32 AMArlette Nejmeh10.Program Learning Outcome Mapping Matrix10.Program Learning Outcome Mapping Matrix21
Governance and Anti-CorruptionGovernance and Anti-Corruption
417/31/2023 11:32 AMArlette Nejmeh11.Educational facilities and support11.Educational facilities and support22Facilities and laboratoriesFacilities and laboratories3
Governance and Anti-CorruptionGovernance and Anti-Corruption417/31/2023 12:31 PMArlette Nejmeh11.Educational facilities and support11.Educational facilities and support22Supporting staffSupporting staff4
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