Our Objectives
As an academic institution, the School of Law strives to accomplish a set of objectives. The main objectives that the School aims to achieve mainly include the following:
1.     Transfer of legal knowledge and training through learning, education, and continuous education directed to its students and targeted groups in the society in general following and in accordance to the international high education standards conducive of outcome characterized with outstanding quality, and utilizing educational technological means and methods including exposing the School’s community to actual practice of the legal profession as it is possible and leaning on best local, national and international practices in Juridical Science.
2.      Increase and enhance cognitive and qualitative scientific as well as interdisplinary research in the mirage of different legal Ares and topics of legal studies.
3.      The creation and enhancement of a competitive environment among law students in different law fields through encouragement and motivation.
4.      Embowering student with critical thinking skills and incapacitate of best legal knowledge as needed.
5.      Developing student's legal and methodological thinking and expression utilizing interactive teaching methods.
6.      Sustain the school's leadership of other national law schools, the MENA Area, and beyond.
7.       Ascending on all accredited International Universities Ranking scales.
8.      Consolidate student's values and morals of tolerance, the other, and others' thinking in conformity with the country's religion, constitution, and the Amman Massage.
9.      Creating suitable academic environment for school's members that is conducive of producing advanced research and vibrant enjoyment in policy development and revision.
10.  Providing the right and proper work place environment for administrative staff as necessary supportive sources for the School.